Introducing Airflow Solutions. Benefits from Ceiling Fans by Big Ass Fans.


Maxicon always thinks about bringing more innovative solutions to improve your life. This time we proudly add an airflow solution to our portfolio by the 24 years old leading company Big Ass Fans: handcrafted fans that are custom-built and precision balanced for years of effortless operation.

You can pair their iconic indoor fans with the perfect downlight and uplight LED and illuminate your home. Even control them with their optional SenseMe™ technology allowing them to work with your smart home devices.

Now that we got your attention, keep reading to know about the main benefits from installing ceiling fans in any of your spaces:

1. Provide Thermal comfort: the level of satisfaction with the perceived temperature of their surrounding environment is known as thermal comfort. This level of satisfaction is directly related to how much heat is lost from someone’s body. There are six factors that affect people heat transfer described in the American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 55: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, which are: dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, radiant temperature, air speed, metabolic rate, and clothing level.

When people feel hot or cold they typically respond by adjusting the thermostat, as it is often the only means of adjusting the indoor environment. But it is also possible to achieve thermal comfort by using fans. Fans increase air speed, which increases heat transfer from a person to the space and creates a cooling effect.

2. Improved Air Distribution: ceiling fans improve air distribution by increasing the circulation rate of air within a space relative to typical HVAC systems without ceiling fans. Increasing the air circulation within a space has positive effects on HVAC systems by reducing the extent of supply air ductwork, increasing ventilation effectiveness, reducing air temperature gradients, and improving cooling thermal comfort. This has the benefit of simplifying the HVAC system installation and improving its performance.

3. First Cost Savings: the benefits of improved air distribution offered by ceiling fans can reduce the first cost of HVAC systems in multiple ways. Reducing the extent of the supply air ductwork reduces not only sheet metal costs but also costs associated with reduced system heating and cooling capacity, fewer ductwork accessories, and lower testing and balancing costs. This has the added benefit of lowering the first cost of the HVAC system where ceiling fans can be incorporated into the building design.

4. Energy Savings: While it is true that ceiling fans consume energy, the energy saved by reducing the burden on the HVAC system is far greater. This results in a net energy savings for the building. There are several ways that ceiling fans reduce the heating and cooling burden on HVAC systems and reduce energy consumption. They do this primarily by reducing conductive heat losses through the building envelope, improving ventilation effectiveness, and reducing HVAC fan energy.

So now you know the advantages of ceiling fans with iconic design and superior features,  look no further for world-class airflow.